Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Enjoy every moment with latest Nokia phones

Nokia mobile phones are known for the best quality and services all around the world. All the latest Nokia handsets are endowed with great technology and features that not only serves communication but also entertain you and keep you abreast of the latest information through the Internet.

Mobile phones are now a necessity for everyone. Consumers are demanding latest mobile phones. Nokia fulfils those demands by launching the latest mobile phones in a variety of designs and user friendly features. Nokia mobile phones have given many choices to use camera phones in a variety of designs. The digital camera phones itself have got so much popularity that rocked the mobile market all around the world.

The latest Nokia phones come with a variety of new features that allow you to enjoy the benefits of 3G multimedia opportunities. New Nokia with camera features allow you to grab special moments in your handset without being a photographer. The latest features manage all specifications automatically. Therefore, you need not to worry about the picture quality. Share those moments with your friends and family.

The most and the latest handset that are much in demand are the Nokia N-series phones. These 3G mobile handsets are for all class of people especially for high class executives, music and fun lovers and those who love photography. All N-series Nokia handsets are endowed with latest technologies and one can even compare it with their PC.

All 3G handsets provide video calling facility that will give you real talk experience as you can view the person to whom you are calling. Video recording feature allows you to record the moments and you can also transfer these videos and photos with your PC.

For entertainment purpose, Latest Nokia handsets provide multimedia player to enjoy with all the latest music. You can download latest music in your handset and don't worry about the memory as latest Nokia phones provide enough memory space to save a number of songs.

Enjoy the music and connectivity with the latest Nokia phones.

For information on latest Nokia N93 and Nokia 8800 visit the site.

About the Author

Andrena Markley is the webmaster of and deals in all kind of contract mobile phone deals. To get the updated information on contract deals with latest mobile phones visit the site.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Keywords the Albatross of the Webmaster

If you were to ask ten different successful webmasters about the relevance of keywords and how to effectively utilize them, I can almost guarantee you will get ten completely different answers. The ugly truth of the matter is that what applies today, may not apply tomorrow. The search engine algorithms, especially Google's, changes too frequently to stay abreast of.

Keywords and their relative importance have been with us since the first meta tag was conceived and there is no sign that keywords are going away in the future. The importance fluctuates as algorithms change, but that is due more to HOW the keywords are used and WHERE they are placed within your page.

Keyword usage can be broken down into four categories:

  • What has always worked well for you
  • What has worked to some degree
  • What has not worked at all
  • What has hurt your ranking

The elusive fifth category, missing from the above group, is What I have not tried that will net even better results. That is the one we want to find and implement.

The first rule in keywords is to make sure your keywords match your content. If you stuff, spam, or think you can fool the indexing spider into believing your music download site is about mesothelioma, you are kidding yourself and targeting your web site for the supplemental results pages if it gets indexed at all. Simply put, do not try it.

Your content text needs to be built around your keywords. Many people forget what keywords are supposed to do: They are supposed to tell the search engines what your site is about. There are not designed to lure unwary visitors to your page just to show them ads.

Keywords should also not be limited to just your meta tags; they should be used in headers, in your content text, in links, and even in folder names for sub-directories. You should make them bold or italicize them when applicable so they stand out from the main text.

Below are some good rules of thumb to consider in keyword usage:

  • Put all your keywords in your meta tag for keywords
  • Use a keyword in the title tag of your site
  • Use one or more in your description tag
  • Your H1 statement should always have a keyword
  • Any H2, H3, or H4 statements should also contain a keyword
  • Bold statements like paragraph or section titles should have a keyword
  • Sub-directories should contain keywords
  • Html page names can also use keywords

The last two items on the above list warrant an additional explanation. Let's say you have a site that gives information on seo (just to pick a random example). Maybe you have a page on keywords like this article. The address might look like this: or

A better way to optimize this would be be create sub-directories and then this path:

Now, with just the path to the page, you have used some great keywords without spamming or stuffing. The title of the page being keyword-usage.html is far more likely to get indexed by the search engines than simply kw.html or key.html but many people still use those simple, easy to type page names.

Another point to consider is how many keywords is too many? Most search engine spiders now only give weight to the first three or four and simply ignore the rest. So if you stuff your meta tag with fifteen to twenty keywords, you are spinning your wheels. I know there are still many sites out there that check your meta tags to see how good they are. Do not trust them because they are based on old, out of date formulas that are no longer applicable. I would use only as many as you need to effectively convey the essence of your web site, no more.

A good rule of thumb for this is to do your keyword meta tag LAST on each page you build. Write your content, place your images, add your links, and THEN write your meta tag based on the specific content of that particular page. Do not write a standard keyword meta tag and then just copy/paste it to each of your pages. Give each page its own unique keywords, in order of importance from first to last.

Last, but certainly not least, read the webmaster forums and blogs. My wife reads the newspaper each morning while I read the webmaster forums to find out changed while I was asleep! If you stay current with all the seo trends, you will never have to pay someone else to optimize your site again.

John Leininger is CEO of Net-123 Web Development in Lexington, South Carolina, and has been in the web design and hosting industry since 1999. Net-123 offers custom web site design, hosting, marketing and advertising, turnkey web sites, logo design, digital photography, and custom video projects.

Affordable Web Sites for Small Businesses

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Monday, December 8, 2008

Mobile Phones Catering To Varied Needs

Have you ever imagined our lives without a mobile phone in today's scenario? Difficult! Isn't it? That's the charisma of mobile phones. Now a days, almost everyone has got a mobile handset. Mobile phones have have generated a huge sensation and have become a worldwide craze.

The market for mobiles has become demand centric ? and the customer's wish is the command at quite a few different levels. To meet the demands of the customers, new models are being conceptualized, designed and delivered every month from almost all the leading handset manufacturers. There is intense competition among different handset manufacturers to outdo one another and create versatile gadgets that deserve to be called mobile devices instead of just mobile phones. Moreover, the service providers on their part are also doing all that it takes to bring these innovative phones within the purchasing capabilities of a larger section of potential users. Today the market is flooded with a number of stylish, exotic or innovative handsets with a long list of features.

As more and more sophisticated models have been launched, mobile phone users are now able to keep themselves abreast of latest technology and information. First came the camera feature, then the music-Internet is the latest addition. Today you can access the Internet from anywhere anytime. Thanks to WAP and XHTML for making Internet available with the mobile handsets.

But the million dollar question is ?how to choose the right mobile phone?? Selection of mobile phones can prove to be quite a difficult task.

Given the market dynamics, phone users can exercise their freedom of choice and select any specific mobile phone model that they want to. However, they need to ascertain their individual needs before making final choices. People who want a basic mobile with all the smart messaging and call management functions can opt for the Nokia 2310, for instance. Others who prefer music in the mobile phones can choose Samsung X830; with easy to access music feature and controls which allows the user to download music in MP3, AAC, AAC+, AAC+e & WMA format & enjoy 3D stereo music on their portable music playing mobile phone. Still others who love photography can opt for Nokia N93, a mini camcorder, or those who want to strike a right balance between work and entertainment can select the Sony Ericsson K320i ? the business features of this mobile phone model are indispensable for managing work.

There are certain other important points that one should consider before purchasing a mobile phone and phone deal such as :

Before you buy a mobile phone try considering all the important points so that you make a perfect choice for yourself.

Remember that making a smart choice and purchase would only save money and make you possess the best phone under the sun.

To find the best pay monthly and PAYG mobile phones on Nokia N93, Nokia N73 and other latest mobile phones on 3 mobile, t mobile, orange, O2, Vodafone network, please visit the site.

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