Monday, November 3, 2008

Female Photography - A Fulfilling Hobby and a Lucrative Career

Female PhotographyThe female form has always been an exciting artistic concept in the world of arts. The fascination of immortalizing the female form has been boosted by the advent and growth of photography. There are different forms of the art today, some of which are journalistic and celebrity photography, glamour and boudoir, nudes, and self portrait. Now these are the steps to making the best photographic impression of the female gender.Find a subjectThe truth about making perfect female photography is creativity in diversity. Anybody can actually be your subject; young, old, any color, your relation or girlfriend...anybody. Hiring a model from any female form photography modeling agencies will also be a good choice, if you do not want to go the way of reforming to bring a fresh concept. All you need do first is to make sure your female subject is okay with your taking her pictures and that she will be willing to pose for you.Set the SceneThink about a place, and it is very suitable, depending on the concept you intend to portray.

Get creative. You can use a photography studio, near some green foliage, a chair, a building environment, a beach or wherever you can find. If you need a good and easy lighting, then use a photography studio. If you want to be freer in scenery and movement, then go out there.LightingTo get a better lighting; use a soft bulb, instead of a flash. To create a good facial detail, let the light come from her left or right, and do not shine it straight on her. Bouncing the flash off the wall will sure get the same effect. Create good shadows and filler flashes with a soft side light to lighten the face of the lady. Light shadows are of course a better effect than dark ones or none.Taking the shotTo create candid shots, use a long lens and make a little distance between you and your subject. A shorter lens and a closer proximity will create distorted facial features. Of course, this is not an acceptable effect. You can also use a tripod stand or put your camera on a surface to achieve steadiness. A small aperture and a long shutter speed is what you need. Encourage the subject to be still. Get ready to take as many pictures as your subject to moves and changes positions and expressions between each shot. You have the chance of taking better shots, and then the best as you take more shots.The female photography art can be learned. There are many tricks in the trade. This is what gives specific characteristic to each form of photography, some of which are lighting, lens, design, filters and so on. Selection of location and props are also exciting things to learn in the trade. If you have true passion, the art of female photography will be easy to achieve for and you will possibly be on your way to a fulfilling hobby and a lucrative career. By Wendy Pan


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